In a team of about 15 international students distributed aorund the globe, we designed a manned mission to the moons of Mars: Deimos and Phobos. The mission was designed as an answer to the challenge set out by the NASA Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts – Academic Linkage (RASC-AL) competition within the Global Exploration Strategy (the latter being an agreement between fourteen space agencies). My personal responsiblities for this project were systems engineering, communication systems and power systems.

Highlights of the mission concept include the following:

  • Torpor, to keep the astronauts in suspended animation during the long transit time.

  • A Martian surface analysis network consisting of a distributed network fo science stations.

  • Space solar power stations, remotely powering all assets on the ground.

  • In-situ ressource utilization demonstration to produce methane and oxygen.

  • Teleoperation of exploration devices on the Mars surface and on Phobos.


The presented mission concept was well received by the jury and our team received the 1st place overall, best in theme and the Pioneering Exceptional Achievement Concept Honor Award. The final report can be downloaded here, IMaGInE final report, and the journal published mission can be found here, IMaGInE journal paper.