

Dan Fries, Ruairi O'Connor, Todd Oliver, Noel Clemens, and Philip Varghese. Bayesian inference of excited state population densities and equilibrium temperatures in argon plasmas using emission spectroscopy. In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS, 2023.


Ruairi O'Connor, Philip Varghese, Dan Fries, and Laxminarayan Raja. Spectroscopic studies of non-equilibrium low temperature argon plasmas. In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS, 2023.


Dan Fries, Spenser T Stark, John S Murray, Rajkumar Bhakta, Elijah R Jans, Noel T Clemens, Philip L Varghese, and Sean P Kearney. Nitrogen thermometry in an inductively coupled plasma torch using broadband nanosecond coherent anti-stokes raman scattering. Applied Optics, 2023.


Dan Fries, Devesh Ranjan, and Suresh Menon. Laser spark evolution in an ethylene jet in supersonic crossflow configuration. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2023.


Dan Fries, John S Murray, Spenser Stark, Noel Clemens, Philip L Varghese, Rajkumar Bhakta, Elijah Jans, and Sean P Kearney. Cars in an inductively coupled plasma torch, part 1: high temperature nitrogen thermometry. In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum. 2023.


Sean P Kearney, Rajkumar Bhakta, Dan Fries, John S Murray, Spenser Stark, Noel Clemens, and Philip L Varghese. Cars in an inductively coupled plasma torch, part 2: temperature and carbon-monoxide measurements in the reaction layer of a graphite ablator. In AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum. 2023.


Dan Fries, Noel Clemens, and Philip Varghese. Characterization of periodic changes in an inductively coupled plasma using emission spectroscopy. In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS, 2022.


Dillon Ellender, Dan Fries, and Noel Clemens. A piv study of flow dynamics in a cold-flow replica of a swirl stabilized plasma torch. In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS, 2022.


Sean Kearney, Justin Wagner, Kyle Lynch, Elijah Jans, Joshua Hargis, Kyle Daniel, Rajkumar Bhakta, Charley Downing, Arlee Smith, Philip L Varghese, and others. High-speed measurements in the sandia free-piston shock tunnel. Technical Report, Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2022.


Ruairi O'Connor, Dan Fries, Philip Varghese, Noel Clemens, and Laxminarayan Raja. Trends and uncertainty quantification of excited state populations in capacitively coupled argon plasmas. In Bulletin of the American Physical Society. APS, 2022.


Dan Fries, Noel T Clemens, and Philip Varghese. Time dynamics of an inductively coupled plasma torch. In AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum, 0984. 2022.


Andreas M Hein, T Marshall Eubanks, Manasvi Lingam, Adam Hibberd, Dan Fries, Jean Schneider, Pierre Kervella, Robert Kennedy, Nikolaos Perakis, and Bernd Dachwald. Interstellar now! missions to explore nearby interstellar objects. Advances in Space Research, 69(1):402–414, 2022.


Andreas Hein, T Marshall Eubanks, Adam Hibberd, Dan Fries, Jean Schneider, Manasvi Lingam, Robert G Kennedy, Nikolaos Perakis, Bernd Dachwald, and Pierre Kervella. Interstellar now! missions to and sample returns from nearby interstellar objects. In Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. 2021.


Dan Fries, Devesh Ranjan, and Suresh Menon. Turbulent mixing and trajectories of jets in a supersonic crossflow with different injectants. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in press, 2021.


Andreas M. Hein, Manasvi Lingam, T. Marshall Eubanks, Adam Hibberd, Dan Fries, and William Paul Blase. A precursor balloon mission for venusian astrobiology. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2020.


Dan Fries, Devesh Ranjan, and Suresh Menon. Dependence of penetration and entrainment on injectant properties for a jet in supersonic crossflow. In APS Meeting Abstracts. 2019.


Grayson M Huggins, Dan Fries, and Suresh Menon. An engineering model to predict flow features of a sonic or supersonic gaseous jet into supersonic crossflow. In AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum. 2019.


Salvatore Vivenzio, Dan Fries, and Chris Welch. Feasibility and preliminary design of a chipsat planetary entry mission to investigate the atmosphere of venus. In IAC 2019: 26th IAA Symposium on small satellites. 2019.


Andreas M Hein, Robert Matheson, and Dan Fries. A techno-economic analysis of asteroid mining. Acta Astronautica, 2019.


Dan Fries, Bradley A Ochs, Abhishek Saha, Devesh Ranjan, and Suresh Menon. Flame speed characteristics of turbulent expanding flames in a rectangular channel. Combustion and Flame, 199:1–13, 2019.


Dan Fries, Devesh Ranjan, and Suresh Menon. Shear layer development and entrainment of a jet in supersonic crossflow. In APS Meeting Abstracts. 2018.


Pablo Calla, Dan Fries, and Chris Welch. Asteroid mining with small spacecraft and its economic feasibility. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.05099, 2018.


Bradley A. Ochs, Dan Fries, Devesh Ranjan, and Suresh Menon. Turbulent flame speeds of premixed supersonic flame kernels. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, pages 1–25, 2018.


Dan Fries, Bradley A. Ochs, Devesh Ranjan, and Suresh Menon. Hot-wire and PIV characterisation of a novel small-scale turbulent channel flow facility developed to study premixed expanding flames. Journal of Turbulence, 18(11):1081–1103, 2017.


Andreas M Hein, Kelvin F Long, Dan Fries, Nikolaos Perakis, Angelo Genovese, Stefan Zeidler, Martin Langer, Richard Osborne, Rob Swinney, John Davies, and others. The Andromeda study: a Femto-spacecraft mission to Alpha Centauri. arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.03556, 2017.


Davide Conte, Marilena Di Carlo, Dorota Budzyń, Hayden Burgoyne, Dan Fries, Maria Grulich, Sören Heizmann, Henna Jethani, Mathieu Lapôtre, Tobias Roos, and others. Advanced concept for a crewed mission to the martian moons. Acta Astronautica, 139:545–563, 2017.


Paul Nizenkov and Dan Fries. Conceptual mission design of a minimalistic human Mars flyby in the year 2018. In Aerospace Conference, 2015 IEEE, 1–19. IEEE, 2015.


Lukas Teichmann and Dan Fries. Low mass radiation shielding for a manned interplanetary mission. In International Astronautical Congress, IAC-14,A1,4,7,x26097, 1–5. IAF, 2014.